
Why Australians need Christmas more than ever before

For the second time in 3 weeks, our nation is in shock.  Firstly, it was because cricketer Phil Hughes died after being struck in the head while batting.  Yesterday, a man laid siege to the Lindt Cafe in Sydney for 16 hours.  We all watched on TV.  At the...

‘Religion causes wars’

‘Religion is the cause of more wars than anything else’ This is so confidently asserted so often that we just accept it. As we mark the 100th anniversary of the start of World War 1, its worth asking what role religion played in causing that terrible war....

Bring Jesus to the Uri speaking people of Papua New Guinea

Last year we heard from Tom and Gwen Webb (8am) about how God used them for close to 20 years in Papua New Guinea. They partnered with a young Uri speaking local named Koleng and the New Testament was launched in 1985. We heard how Koleng had continued to...

Knowing his divine power, he became a slave

‘knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he had come from God and was going back to God, … Jesus poured water into a basin a began to wash the disciples feet’ (John 13:3-5, ESV) Sometimes knowing something and therefore doing...

Hope beyond cure

Hope beyond cure. Dave McDonald had been a pastor for 20 years in Canberra and had helped plenty of Christian face cancer. But just as he was about to move to Darwin to plant a new church he was diagnosed with incurable cancer. ‘I knew people who’d had...

Stop being God’s enemy

‘Even when we were God’s enemies God made peace with us because His Son died for us.’ (Romans 5:10). What a confronting message our partners from Moore College are sharing with students this week. We are God’s enemies! He made us but we ignore him, take...

Kurrajong & North Richmond Anglican Church

Sunday Services

8am, 10am & 6pm

Church Office

Monday and Friday mornings
Call us on 02 4573 2183
Visit us at 1005 Grose Vale Road, Kurrajong

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