Growth Groups
Growth Groups are a great way for people to get to know each other. They are small groups that meet together for Bible study, prayer and support. There are mixed groups, groups for men and groups for women on various days and at various times.
Contact us to find out more.

Men’s Ministry
The second Monday of each month there is a men’s dinner at our local pub, The Archibald Hotel, from 6pm. It is a chance to hang out, talk and bring mates along.
Each year we also go to ‘Men Meeting the Challenge; and have a “Man Camp” for men and boys in kindergarten and older.
Contact us to find out more.

Women’s Ministry
The second Monday of each month there is a ladies’ dinner at a local pub, North Richmond Panthers, from 6pm. It is a chance to spend time together, chat and bring friends along.
Each term we run something for women.
Contact us to find out more.

Seniors Alive
Every second Wednesday of the month, seniors from our church community get together to encourage one another. The Bible is opened, conversations are had, and morning tea is available. It’s open to all the community. We would love to have you join.
Contact us to find out more.