
John’s humble pie

‘A man can receive only what is given him from heaven.’ John the Testifier (John 3:27) What things have you received because you have worked for them? Your education, your family, your work, your success? Then you should be rightly proud! On the other...

Blind faith

noun \ˈfāth\. firm belief in something for which there is no proof (Webster’s dictionary) Richard Dawkins criticizes religion because it is based on faith, which he says ‘means blind trust, in the absence of evidence, even in the teeth of evidence.’...

Does Prayer Change Things?

If God has determined everything, what is the point of praying? ‘Then the LORD relented and did not bring on his people the disaster he had threatened.’ Exodus 32:14. In Exodus 32, God changes his mind in response to Moses prayer, which seems to show...

I Will Dwell With Them

‘I will dwell with them.’ (Exodus 25:8). This week we consider the tabernacle – the portable tent in which God dwelt amongst his people. Later, the Word became flesh and tabernacled amongst us (John 1:14). Today he dwells with us by his spirit, and one day...

Ephesians 5 – A Further Word to Husbands

Recently at church, during our studies on Ephesians, we were faced with some difficult verses about husbands and wives.  They are difficult because: Our society has an ever-diminishing view of marriage which is contrary to the Bible’s viewpoint Both men...

Why have a Ministry Training Fund?

2012 saw the beginning of a new, exciting initiative at KAC – the introduction of a Ministry Training Fund (MTF).  Jesus is building his church (Matt 16:18) as people confess Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the living God (Matt 16:16).  He then commanded his disciples...

Kurrajong & North Richmond Anglican Church

Sunday Services

8am, 10am & 6pm

Church Office

Monday and Friday mornings
Call us on 02 4573 2183
Visit us at 1005 Grose Vale Road, Kurrajong

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