
Kids’ Church Car Wash

Last Sunday the children of Kids' Church descended on to a number of cars with cloths, sponges, hoses, brushes, squeegees, and chamois, in order to raise money for the communities where our Compassion sponsor children live! All up, they raised $230!      ...

Men’s Event: 2018 Football World Cup

The much awaited Football World Cup tournament finally kicked off and all our eyes were on the Socceroos. The men from KNAC, along with some invited friends, got together on the 16th June to watch the match live on the big screen. As our first match was against...

Easter Hats 2018

What a day we had for our 2018 Easter Hat and Mask Making Workshop! We were delighted to have around 50 children join us this year, with lots of newcomers and plenty of familiar faces who came back again for more. We started with some fun games, which led on to an...

Celebrate Christmas with us!

‘I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is Christ, the Lord.’ Luke 2:11 We’d love you to join us as we celebrate this wonderful news. Sunday 24th December (Luke...

Kurrajong & North Richmond Anglican Church

Sunday Services

8am, 10am & 6pm

Church Office

Monday and Friday mornings
Call us on 02 4573 2183
Visits us as 1005 Grose Vale Road, Kurrajong

Contact us